Richard Silverstein: Typepad Wish List: What Would You Like From TP for Christmas (or Hanukah)?
Richard adds a list of things he would like added to TP. I like the idea of being able to search all TP blogs particularly by category. Here are two that I would want:
When searching for a post in the archives I would like to be able to get the permalink of the address of the post without having to visit the site. (Can this be done already? I have looked to deeply into this)
Storage Space
I think Joanne is with me on this one. I would like to be able to view the files that have already been uploaded to my storage space. What happens when the space is full and room needs to be made?
Feel free to add your own.
I just hit my head with my hand in stupefaction. What didn't I think of that??? The issue about being able to view, maintain, delete, etc. TP uploaded files is one that I & a number of other TPers have nudged TP about for months. It's a really good wish & I hope they give it to us for Christmas (THIS Christmas, that is).
Posted by: Richard Silverstein | Monday, December 01, 2003 at 09:05 PM
Yup, I just want the file manager...I'm easy to please!
Posted by: joanne | Monday, December 01, 2003 at 11:38 PM
File manager - it is long overdue. I also agree with you about the permalinks, I often need to refer to a post in my archives and have to trawl through the archives on my site to find the information I need.
It also needs to be easier to sort photographs on the photo albums - I had to force it to sort my MINI photos into the order I wanted by adjusting the 'date taken' on each pic, which was a pain in the backside.
Searching by category - would that work even if you didn't have categories displayed on your blog?
Posted by: Kirsty | Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 06:07 PM
when I am posting I check the TypePad Index ( for relevant sites to ping. I totally agree about a file browser.
Posted by: Joel | Monday, December 08, 2003 at 08:18 PM