On the advice of Andrew I have just subscribed to FeedBurner so that I can track subscribers better and track how people are reading my site. My aim is to try and get everyone to switch over to the FeedBurner feed and then switch off the TypePad feed. I haven't decided when I will do this but it will be a good few weeks. Hopefully this switch won't be too much of an inconvenience. When you switch over just leave a comment letting me know.
Update: I got a little confused with the whole FeedBurner thing and was under the impression that it would replace the current Typepad feed. Instead, it just uses the current Typepad feed to gather stats. Therefore, I won't be turning off the Typepad feed so those who are currently subscribed will not have their feeds cut off. If you could switch over I would be grateful but if you don't, it's not the end of the world.
"On the advice of Andrew".
Oh dear, I hope I don't get the blame if you don't like it! :-)
Posted by: Andrew Denny | Monday, February 14, 2005 at 11:21 PM
We've been using Feedburner for ages over at New Links - it's excellent. We can't turn off our old feed at Blogspot (and we need it to feed the new feed IYKWIM!) but our XML button points at Feedburner as does our feed autodiscovery metadata shizzle.
Don't forget to check out the other features on it Robert - like automatic Amazon ID insertion into links to Amazon amongst quite a few other things.
Posted by: mmChronic | Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 09:26 AM
Switched over last night.
Using Mozilla Thunderbird V1.0 as my RSS reader - I had to use the link behind the 'Subscribe Now using USM' button to get the feed, but I had to delete the old typepad folder first, before it would accept the new Feedburner one.
By the way, I don't get to see your Google ads when I view the web site as the Firefox Adblock extention does a great job!
Talking of Firefox (V1.0), it doesn't recognise the Feedburner.com\welshview site as having an RSS feed - it doesn't light up the yellow flash icon in the ststus bar.
Posted by: Rob | Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 09:37 PM