A Welsh View
A Daily Mishmash Of Bizarre Peculiarosities
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Video: How Not To Break A Window On An Audi A4
9 Dec 2007 20:10:09
Game: How Well Do You Know Your World?
I scored just over 200,000 which game me a traveller IQ of 109.
Kangaroos Invade Golf Course
A pair of kangaroos hop on to the fairway as pro golfer Peter Lonard sizes up a shot. They bounded around the course in Coolum, Queensland, during the Australian PGA tournament. Link
I'm a college undergraduate.
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it seems as though they are not robbing the car and it looks like its theirs but wouldn't it cost less to call a cop or tow truck and have them jimmy it open than having to break the window, then paying for it to get fixed?? can anyone give a rough translation?
Posted by: TimY | Sunday, December 09, 2007 at 09:58 PM
Those crazy... russians?
Anyone know what they are saying?
Posted by: helmut | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 12:19 AM
Rumanian. Guy in green shirt is locked out of his car.
Posted by: Al | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 02:00 AM
I'm a Russian and that is definitely not Russian, if anyone could give a rough translation or answer a couple questions like why don't they call the cops,they usually have a jimmy to open locked cars or a tow truck with the same equipment.
Posted by: TimY | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 08:04 PM
Click the 'via' link for more info.
Posted by: Robert Gale | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 08:10 PM
btw Russians are not that stupid to break a car window just to get inside...well not stupid when sober. but in the video up top they seem to be sober AND stupid, kinda like Americans
Posted by: TimY | Monday, December 10, 2007 at 08:11 PM
TimY, they are obviously eastern Eurpoean- recently liberated by the "stupid and sober" Americans, but educated and trained into men by the glorious former Soviet Russian education system. Impressive.
Posted by: RAzOR | Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 06:43 AM
RAzOR, calm down man. And why do you act like you had any part in "libirating" any country? Every american you insult starts with remarks of "recent" wars. It's not like you fought in WW2. It's not like america didn't help starting the cold war. What's next? You're gonna keep acting that everything anybody does in europe is thanks to you. Man, stop acting like america is so great. And stop watching FOX to get foreign news. I can clearly remember some "newsfacts" on fox that told me how they insult your intelligence. Killermaruana? A suicide pill in holland? Man, that's bullshit. Get real, and get over the fact that you're not topdog anymore.
Posted by: waaw | Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 02:03 AM
Wow, "waaw". Your post indicates a very small penis.
FYI I am responding to "TimY" and his comment of "stupid Americans". I am not talking to you, about you, or at you.
None of the Americans I know, both liberal and conservative, ever consider ourselves anything more than friends.
Posted by: RAzOR | Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 07:50 AM
Razor, the type of comment you leave shows how underaged or childish you are. I make a valid point and all you can do to defend yourself is saying your not talking to me? Great stuff.
P.S.: If you have a small penis, it won't get bigger by telling other people that they have a small penis. Maybe you should go to Asia. I'll bet you feel like a big man there.
P.S.:You're done!
Posted by: waaw | Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 10:16 PM